Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I haven't give up

It's been a little bit since I posted. Things have been a little tough the past week. Things that make you wonder why do things like this happen? Sometimes I find having faith just a bit tough, but I will muddle through it. Asking for a few prayers this week to help me find the strength to keep plugging along. I know that even the strong have moments. But I'm not nearly strong enough right now or where I should be.

My prayer request is to help me find the strength to communicate with my family without appearing as a needy person, but someone who has the strength and love to keep us where we belong. To make the right decisions for my family and without going into great detail of how to communicate my love for my extended family better.

A quick note about my extended family (which I'm not sure that I would say extended). I can tell you that I'm not the easiest person to love and I have a tendency to shy away from anything that would put me in a "needy" position. Alot of times this comes across as aloofness or maybe not caring enough. But I found this past year that my love for them is so unconditional and my greatest fear is losing one of them again that I could never survive it. So sometimes I'm too afraid to tell them this, so I'm looking for that strength to not shy from them to try and protect myself. They say God will never give more than you can handle, well he sure has pushed the envelope with that this past year. So I need to trust I will get through it the right way not the "easy way"

Thanks for listening to me go on. I will be posting something on a lighter note in a little bit :)

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, I miss reading your posts. Makes me think! I think you and I are very much alike. I fear looking weak - maybe because of my past and partly because my husband can't handle it when I am. He's so used to me being in control that when I lose it, he tends to hide away!

    God is good, all the time. No matter what you have gone through or are going through, He will not let you down - even when things don't go our way.

    I lost my mom and younger sister last year and knowing that God was in control through it all kept me going. I wish He hadn't taken them within four months, but I just trust His sovereignty.

    Sorry to preach!
